How to Fix a Vape Pod Leaking From the Bottom

How to Fix a Vape Pod Leaking From the Bottom

⁤Recently, an ‍increasing number of users have been complaining⁤ about their ‌ vape‌ pods leaking ‌from the‍ bottom. This issue can be a⁣ big nuisance for ‍vape pod‍ users, as it can⁣ impede ​their‍ vaping⁣ experience and ruin their device. In this article, we’ll explore‌ why⁤ vape pods may ⁤be prone to⁤ leaking from the⁤ bottom ⁣and ‌what users can do about it. ⁤Leaking from the‌ bottom⁢ of your vape pod can​ typically be caused by a few different things. The most common cause‌ of a leak is a worn ⁢or ill-fitting O-ring seal. Other causes of⁢ a leak ⁤can include ​a clogged⁤ airflow‌ port, an overfilled ⁣tank, or a loose‌ connection between⁤ the pod ⁤and the⁢ battery. If you ​are experiencing a leak, ‌we recommend ‍inspecting the⁣ vaping pod components to look for any rips ​or worn seals. If all components look good ⁤and the leak persists, ⁢it is recommended to replace the⁢ pod.